Another unusual field trip…

A little more than a week ago, my AP Environmental Science class went on another field trip. The trip, while not as scenic as our adventure at the farm,  was an eye-opening and surprising experience.

We visited a waste water treatment plant.

I know, I know, doesn’t sound pleasant at all. But it really only smelled badly for about 5 minutes of the entire 2 hour field trip.

The plant we visited serves more than 1.4 million people and covers 420 square miles. It transports, treats and reclaims all the wastewater produced by these people.

Our guide took us on a detailed tour of the facility. We passed large sedimentation tanks, bubbling vats of contaminant-eating bacteria, and roaring pumps. And yes, we wrinkled our noses a couple of times. I’ll spare you the details of wastewater treatment process, but if you are interested, click here.

One usually would not think of the technology at a wastewater treatment plant as sophisticated, but that’s exactly what it is – sophisticated. The plant is able to produce many valuable resources from our wastewater. Biosolids extracted from the water are digested by aerobic bacteria at 98 degrees Fahrenheit and used to fertilize forests or composted for use in landscaping and gardening. The digester gas produced by this biosolids digestion process is then cleaned and used as an energy source.

The term “wastewater treatment” is misleading. It makes us think we can flush anything down the toilet or drain anything down the sink, and it will just go away and be cleaned. In truth, wastewater treatment is highly expensive, and many of the costly problems that occur at the plant are due to inappropriate disposal of trash. Putting trash, wipes, grease and hair into the sewer system clogs pipes and can create sewer overflows. This in turn will have a negative impact on the environment.

In the kitchen, it is best to compost your food scraps. Some areas allow you to throw food scraps into your yard waste bin. Or, you can compost your food yourself, either by making a worm composting bin or burying your food scraps. To learn more, click here. Remember, grease, fats, oil, and produce stickers should not go down the kitchen drain!

In the bathroom, if it isn’t toilet paper, put it in the trash can or recycling bin, not the toilet. Many people used to think it was okay to flush expired or unused medications down the toilet. But conventional wastewater treatment is unable to remove all the chemicals found in medications. Scientists have found that this practice is harming aquatic life. More and more male frogs and fish are developing female characteristics, leading to reproductive difficulties.  Keeping medications out of the sewer systems will also protect our drinking water. To properly dispose your old medicine, visit your city’s or county’s hazardous waste site, and see if medicine is listed. Some states, including Washington, also have special medicine take back programs.

This trip made me realize my water doesn’t just go away when I’m done with it. I need to think about what exactly I am putting into it, so it stays clean in the future.

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Making Fido and Fluffy more green

I love animals – there’s no doubt about that. I’m the type of person who is willing to capture a spider and release it back outside instead of just using a Kleenex to swiftly finish the job, who feels sorry for the worms stuck on the pavement after it rains, and who tried to let the crabs escape when her family went crab-fishing when she was younger.

I especially love my fluffy, yappy Pomeranian, Jamoca.

So when I began hearing about domestic pets’ large carbon footprints, of course I resisted at first. Jamoca is so adorable and perfect (except for the occasional accident on the carpet), how can she have any effect on carbon emissions?

But according to BBC, the average cat contributes to 0.5 tons of CO2 a year, while the average dog contributes to 1.5 tons a year. When I finally pushed my strong bias for animals aside, I realized pets contribute to carbon emissions in many of the same ways people do – mainly through food and waste.

Dogs and cats need food, and most of the dry kibble Fido eats is made from leftover materials meat industries don’t want, meat from cows that are dead, dying, diseased, or disabled. The large meat industries that bring us our cheap beef also create a lot of waste and carbon dioxide simply by the way they raise their livestock. For more information about the environmental impacts of the meat industry, you can read my earlier post

Some people advocate putting pets on a vegetarian diet. I personally find this solution a little extreme. Dogs and cats, after all, are naturally carnivores. But you can still put your pet on a healthier, more natural meat-based diet. Organic pet foods made with meat raised in sustainable ways without growth hormones or antibiotics are easy to find at pet stores, if you are willing to spend the extra money. Or, you can make your own pet food, so you have complete control over what goes into it. is a useful website for recipes. But before you feed your furry friend homemade food regularly, make sure your talk to your veterinarian first to ensure your pet gets the nutrition it needs.

Okay so we’ve now talked about what goes into your pets…now we have to talk about what comes out.

According to Mark Klaiman in the article “Litter and the Environment,” most kitty litter is made from clay. This clay must be strip-mined, disturbing large areas of land. The clay then must be transported and processed, which requires more energy resources. Finally, when the litter ends up in landfills it just sits there forever.

The best alternative is to use biodegradable kitty litter. Old shredded newspaper works well too. For directions on making your own cat litter, visit

Dog waste is a little more difficult to manage. But first, obviously, pick it up! Not only is this polite (your fellow citizens will be very grateful!), but this prevents harmful bacteria from contaminating local waterways. But what do you do after you pick it up?

Most people use plastic bags and then throw them in the trash. But like with clay kitty litter, the waste sits in landfills for basically eternity. One alternative is to flush it down the toilet where it will get treated in a sewage plant. Using biodegradable plastic bags also helps somewhat.

The best alternative, though, is to compost your pet waste. There are two main ways to do this. The first method is called trenching, which basically means you bury the pet waste underground to provide nutrients for garden plants. However, you should only plant ornamental plants above the trench, never vegetables or fruits. For directions on how to trench, visit

The second method is to build your own dog waste composter. All you really need is an old garbage can, some rocks, and septic starter. For step by step directions, visit Choose a sunny site that is away from vegetable gardens and waterways. This composter is actually good for both dog waste and biodegradable kitty litter. Collect the pet waste and drop it into the composter. Sprinkle two of the packets of septic tank starter on top of the pet waste and about a quart of water. Cover the hole with the lid. After 48 hours you can add more pet waste. You can then begin to add it daily.

From what goes in to what goes out, making our pets more green takes effort. But then again, isn’t that just another way to show our love? According to BBC, some scientists warn small heartworms that kill dogs and cats are on the rise in some areas due to warmer and wetter summers.

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Not so high-tech

Trash. Garbage. Waste. Refuse.

Whatever you want to call it, we humans produce a lot of it.

Ok, that’s not news at all.  Candy wrappers, paper cups, dirty napkins… We all throw these into the trash every day.

But I’m not here to talk about regular old  trash. I’m here to talk about E-waste.

Every year, companies come out with new electronics – new cellphones, new computers, new TVs… So what happens to our old gadgets after we replace them with new ones?

Well, a lot of it ends up with the rest of our trash – in landfills. But the electronic waste contains toxic heavy metals and other pollutants that can harm the environment.

So what about those great E-waste recycling programs we’re hearing about? Unfortunately, some of these programs aren’t as great as they seem. 

In fact, a large portion of E-waste ends up in gigantic “digital dumping grounds” located in developing countries such as Ghana, China, and India.  

Many recyclers, instead of taking the time and money to make sure the electronic waste is disposed of safely and responsibly, simply ship the waste to these countries.

In Ghana for example, exporters of e-waste took advantage of the people’s desire to advance technologically by calling the tons of old computers they were bringing into the country “donations.” Half of these “donations” did not even work.

This has caused a whole slew of problems. Criminals scour discarded  hard drives for personal information to use in scams. Men, women, and even children, breathe in hazardous and toxic fumes while burning computer parts  to salvage precious metals to make a living.

How do you make sure your old electronics won’t end up in some Third World country? Below are two useful websites.

e-Stewards recyclers must meet high standards of environmental and social responsibility.

Visit to find responsible e-recyclers near you.

The International Association of Electronics Recyclers is also a good resource. Visit

If you would like more in-depth information about electronic waste, you can check out the Frontline video at

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Greening up Valentine’s Day (Part 2)

Valentine’s Day is a week away! Here are some more eco-friendly Valentine ideas!

A bouquet of a dozen roses is a traditional gift on Valentine’s Day. But many floral industries grow their flowers unsustainably and dump buckets of pesticides into the environment. is a very useful website where you can find local farms that grown organic flowers. Or, if you still want to purchase a bouquet of flowers, look for the Veriflora tag. Flowers with this label must follow strict standards for environmental sustainability. 

Another unique idea is to give a plant or flower you planted and raised yourself, like these baby pine trees my sisters planted last year.

When it comes time to actually give the gift, why spend $4 on a gift bag when you can make one yourself from a cereal box?

Remember Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle? Recently, it’s the last “R” that has gotten the most attention. Of course this is a good thing. But just recycling isn’t enough. Recycling requires a substantial amount of energy. Some materials, including plastic and glass, take more energy to recycle than to manufacture.

Therefore, it is important to reduce our use of a material (decreasing the initial amount of material that needs to be manufactured) and also to reuse materials (unlike recycling, this does not require energy, except maybe human energy and creativity)

These gift bags are very easy to make and perfect way to reuse a lot of materials lying around the house.

First, cut the flaps off the cereal box. Then  paint the box a desired color or cover it with recycled paper. I used paper from printing mess-ups. Decorate the box with old colored paper and magazines. Punch a hole at the top of each side of the cereal box. Finally, attach a ribbon to the holes to make a handle.

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Greening up Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is coming up, which means chocolates, roses, cards and a lot of pink. But why not make Valentine’s Day a little bit more green as well? In the next couple posts I will be providing ideas for a traditional Valentine’s Day with an environmental twist.

First idea: homemade chocolates

Skip the store-bought candies to cut down on packaging and artificial ingredients. Plus, in my opinion, homemade treats are so much sweeter.

Here is a simple recipe for truffles.


3 (1 ounce) squares bittersweet chocolate (I used 72% dark chocolate, you can also use organic chocolate if you would like)

1 cup sifted confectioners’ sugar

1/3 cup butter or vegan butter

3 egg yolks

1 teaspoon vanilla

Ground nuts, sprinkles, or other favorite coating


Melt 3 chocolate squares in microwave.

Cream sugar and butter in mixing bowl. Add egg yolks one at a time; blend well after each addition. Stir in melted chocolate squares and vanilla. Chill mixture in refrigerator until firm enough to handle easily. Break off small pieces to form into 1/2 inch balls. Roll in a favorite coating. Allow finished truffles to dry and firm on baking sheet about an hour before storing in airtight container in very cool place.

These truffles keep about a week.

When giving these truffles as gifts, you can put them in one of those glass jars lying around in your kitchen. For a pretty pattern, you can alternate between a layer of truffles and a layer of marshmallows. Tie a ribbon around the jar for a finishing touch.

More green Valentine’s Day ideas coming soon!

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Something’s fishy

It’s mid-January, the time of year when everyone is determined to keep their New Year’s Resolutions. Most people, however, find it terribly difficult to maintain their resolutions for the entire year.

Maybe it’s because the goals are too broad and general. “I want to be a better person.” “I want to be healthier.” So that’s why this year, I’m setting monthly goals for me to focus on, one at a time.

So what is my resolution for this month? To pay more attention to where my seafood comes from.

I used to go to Costco with my mom, and we’d buy our usual seafood favorites – shrimp, tilapia, salmon – without considering whether they were harvested in sustainable and environmentally-friendly ways. This is true for many people. I believe one reason for this is that the global fisheries crisis has not gotten as much coverage as other environmental problems – say, global warming.  And frankly, big-eyed, scaly fish just aren’t as cute as polar bears.

But our fisheries are suffering. Half of the world’s marine fish populations are fully exploited. Fishermen are having to put more time and effort to get the same size catch as before. In 2006, The New York Times reported on a study claiming all ocean species we fish for today will collapse by the year 2048. ( Though there is much debate on how accurate the study was, it still remains clear that many of the world’s fisheries are not managed sustainably. The industrialization of fishing not only exponentially increased catch rates, but it also brought with it many harmful environmental effects. Many fishing practices kill nontarget species and destroy marine communities.

So what are we as consumers to do? The most important thing we can do is support sustainable fishing practices with our dollars. Not all seafood is created equal.

For example, when we go to a grocery store, we  have a choice between farmed Atlantic salmon and wild-caught Alaskan salmon. Which is the better choice?

Some people may think, as I used to, that farmed salmon is better than wild salmon because it does not deplete the wild salmon populations. 

But actually, Pacific salmon in Alaska is among the most intensively managed species in the world, with excellent monitoring of both the fish populations and fishery. It is one of the best choices you can make when buying seafood.

In contrast, most farmed salmon are raised in open pens and cages in coastal waters. Waste form these farms is released directly in to the ocean, harming wild fish swimming near the farms. Farming salmon also requires a vast amount of food. It takes about three pounds of wild fish to grow just one pound of farmed salmon.

What is difficult for us consumers is that this “wild is better than farmed” rule cannot be applied to all seafood. For example, farmed oysters are better than wild oysters.

So how are we supposed to know all this information about what to buy and what we shouldn’t buy? 

Monterey Bay Aquarium has a wonderful resource, sustainable seafood pocket guides that you can print out and slip into your wallet or purse. Whenever you go shopping, you can just take it out and see what the best choices for seafood are. The guides are divided into three sections, Best Choices, Good Alternatives, and Avoid. For instance, US farmed Tilapia is the best choice, Central America farmed tilapia is a good alternative, and Asia farmed tilapia (most frozen tilapia you see in grocery stores are from Asia) are to be avoided.

To download the seafood guide, visit

Or, if you are a technology person, you can download the free application on your iPhone or iTouch. Just visit the App Store and search for seafood guide. I recently downloaded this application, and I love it!

Yesterday, I went to my local grocery store and scoured the seafood section, this time with my pocket guide in hand. I felt great purchasing US wild-caught shrimp instead of the Asia farmed shrimp my family usually buys.

Just by purchasing fish caught or farmed using environmentally friendly practices, we can easily support healthy, abundant oceans.

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Who let the fire out?

Imagine you are skydiving, hurtling through the air, only to land just feet away from a forest fire. Now imagine that this is actually your job.

If you are Mr. Allen that is. He was my AP Biology teacher last year, but for fourteen years, he worked as a smokejumper.

What exactly is a smokejumper?

Smokejumpers are special firefighters who parachute to remote areas and combat wildfires. The idea is to reach the wildfire quickly and contain it, before it gets out of control.

Smokejumping is a dangerous profession due to the risks inherent in parachute jumping, and the lack of resources for firefighting and rescue once on the ground in an isolated location. Firefighters must pay extreme attention to wind direction, as any slight shift can change the fire’s course. A designated area is chosen for retreat in case the fire gets out of hand. This is usually a blackened area that the fire has already passed through and burned down. Fire needs fuel to burn, so where there is no fuel (i.e. trees, branches, shrubs), there is no fire.

Despite safety precautions, accidents still occur. In 1994, 12 firefighters died because they could not get to a safety zone in time.

When I asked what his most frightening moment on the job was, Mr. Allen said it was actually while he was riding the airplane. Wildfires are usually caused by lightning. When smokejumpers receive a call, the skies are often still stormy. Mr. Allen’s most frightening incident was when lightning struck the airplane taking him to the wildfire.

“The sound was deafening, and the entire plane shook violently,” he described.

So why would Mr. Allen choose such a dangerous job? He explained that one summer when he was young, his family’s house was completely burned down by a wildfire.

“The dogs escaped, but the kittens didn’t make it,” he recalls. After that episode, he decided he wanted to help fight wildfires, so other families would not have to suffer the same loss he did.

During the summer wildfire season, Mr. Allen’s smokejumping unit received about 10 calls a day. Once they arrived on location, the goal was not to put out the fire, but to starve it. This is done through strenuous, backbreaking labor. Firefighters create firelines by digging deep into the ground until they reach mineral soil. They also have to remove branches, leaves, shrubs and anything else that could burn. The idea is to contain the fire and wait for it to run out of fuel at the firelines.

Sometimes though, firefighters have to fight fire with fire. They set off a small fire to burn the area in front of an oncoming wildfire, leaving nothing left for the wildfire to feed on.

Years of smokejumping take a heavy toll on a person’s body. Many smokejumpers develop asthma from years of breathing in smoke. The workdays are extremely demanding as well. Smokejumpers spend days at a time in remote areas, living off of whatever was parachuted down from the plane with them. At night, they usually just sleep in the dirt.

For a long time, it was government policy to put out all wildfires. Remember Smoky the Bear? But it turns out, forest wildfires play an important role in maintaining healthy and diverse ecosystems. The fires recycle nutrients from the soil, help tree seeds germinate, and clear out accumulated plant debris. Not allowing small fires to burn actually increases the risk of having a dangerous, destructive wildfire. All the accumulated debris provides a fire with more material to burn.

That’s why we need  people like Mr. Allen, who are willing to jump out of airplane into a fire, in order to keep us safe while also allowing the natural processes in the forests to continue.

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Better than organic


It’s not often a high school class goes on a field trip to a local farm. It’s even less often that the field trip is on a Saturday. But that’s what our AP Environmental Science class did on a cold, foggy, December morning. 

Even though fewer people than expected came, we were all excited to begin our adventure. We piled into cars and headed to Jubilee Farm in Carnation, Washington. 

Jubilee Farm is a small 10 acre farm where many teachers at my school get their vegetables from. The farm practices  Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) . This is a relationship between a farmer who grows organic fruits and vegetables, and local members of the public who want to support that farmer. (But wait, then why is this post called “Better than Organic”? An explanation will come later)  The farm has five Sessions throughout each year. Members sign up for any or all of the sessions. They can pick up their produce directly from the farm or at a pick-up site. 


Farmers already hard at work.

When we arrived, the owner and manager of Jubilee Farm, Erick Haakenson, was waiting for us. He is tall and strong, with a head of thick,  blonde hair. Erick led us to an empty greenhouse to provide temporary relief from the cold. Immediately, the pungent smell of compost (which he insisted was not poop) filled our noses. I noticed Erick was  holding a book in his hand, Citizenship Papers by Wendell Berry. It turns out, this was not unusual  of him. 

Erick defies what most people think of as the stereotypical farmer – someone who only knows how to work with his hands and is out of the loop from the rest of society. In fact, Erick emphasized the importance of using one’s mind while working with one’s hands. “I like agriculture because there is always so much more to learn,” he said. Several times during his twenty minute introduction, Erick cited from memory quotations of Gandhi, Schumacher (author of Small is Beautiful), and Berry to explain his philosophy.

The main difference between mass-production, industrial farming and Erick’s way of farming (which he calls biodynamic farming), is that industrial farming always wants “more, more, more” while biodynamic farming wants “this much, and not more.” 

So now we come to the question of why Erick uses the term biodynamic instead of organic. Is he or is he not an organic farmer? In practice? Yes. Officially and legally? No. But Erick gave two good reasons for this. 

His farm used to be certified organic. But  in order to be certified organic by the government, farms have to pay a special tax based on gross sales. After polling CSA members a couple years ago, Erick decided to drop the certification. He still practices the same farming methods he did when he was certified, and members know that. They don’t need an official federal stamp for verification. 

Erick also decided to drop the certification because he felt  the meaning of the word “organic” was moving further and further away from that of “sustainable.” Farmers can practice monoculture (planting only one crop, greatly decreasing biodiversity) and still be considered organic, as long as they don’t use chemical pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Also, the organic produce found in many supermarkets often have to be shipped from far away, so the amount of pollution created just from transporting the produce lessens the environmental benefits of growing food without pesticides. But Erick strives to be truly sustainable by using cover crops and compost, practicing crop rotation, planting a variety of plant species,  and practicing integrated pest management. Plus, he’s local (for the Seattle area at least). 

Erick admitted that when he first started farming about twenty years ago, he, like many others, thought it would be impossible for him to grow enough crops and make a profit without using chemical products. But he gradually learned that many of the problems big industrial farmers face are solved just by using sustainable farming methods. For example, Erick claims he seldom has problems with pests. In monoculture, crops of the same species are planted in neat rows, making it very easy for pests to find them. But in polyculture, many species of plants are planted together in complex patterns, making it harder for pests to find their target crop. 

After the introduction, Erick gave us a brief tour of the farm. He brought us to the cattle barn. In the summer, the cows are free the graze in the pastures. But come wintertime, Erick keeps them in the barn so they can stay warmer. The cows eat grass, unlike in the meat industry feed lots where the cows are forced-fed grain.  The floor of the barn was layered with piles of hay. Eventually this hay (and whatever the cows generously deposited in it) will be turned into compost. 


Several times during the tour, we bumped into some of Erick’s workshare members. These people work  four hours a week on the farm in exchange for a CSA membership. We actually got to help the workshare members after the tour. Some of us worked in the greenhouse spreading compost while the rest of us (including me) helped harvest rutabaga. A young women we worked with said that she loved working on the farm because of all the new friends she has made. 

Erick's house overlooks the field where workshare members are working.

Harvesting rutabaga was an interesting experience. We went down the row pulling the vegetables out, and breaking the stems and roots off. One of my friends pulled out a rutabaga that looked like a mandrake. The task of pulling the vegetables out wasn’t too difficult, though my hands at one point got so cold and painful that I had to stop. 

Harvested Rutabaga

When I took a break to wiggle my fingers in attempts to regain some heat, I looked around at the other rows of vegetables. I could see that Erick was truly maintaining biodiversity. Surrounding us were rows of cabbage, cauliflower, artichoke, carrots and broccoli. 

“Name anything that is grown in this region, and I guarantee we plant it,” Erick claimed. Someone called out “Pineapple,” prompting one of Erick’s hearty chuckles. 



After about an hour, we reconvened to exchange our last words with Erick. It  was clear to me from the way Erick enthusiastically answered our questions that he loved his job.  He ended the visit by saying, “Every dollar you spend is a vote for the kind of future you want.” 


And its true. We can take the easy route and buy cheap food grown with chemical fertilizers and shipped from the other side of the country or world. Or we can support our local farmers. 

My vote is with the farmers. 


For more information on Jubilee Farm, visit 

For more pictures, visit


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Saving the world…one veggie at a time.

Going vegan or vegetarian isn’t just for animal rights supporters (or fanatics, depending on your point of view) anymore. More and more people are turning to veggies to be more environmentally friendly.

Now, don’t worry, I’m not saying everyone has to be completely vegan or vegetarian to help the environment. But after learning the facts, you will see that just making and eating  something vegetarian once in a while can make a big difference. I have even included a yummy vegan recipe.

So why is eating vegan better for the environment?

First, it takes fewer resources to support a plant-based diet.

About 90% of the grain produced in the U.S. is ued to feed livestock, not humans. However, 4.8 pounds of grain fed to cattle only produces about one pound of beef for humans. In other words, the amount of grain it takes to produce enough meat for a person is more than the amount of grain the person would need if he consumed the grain directly. This is grain that could be used to feed malnourished people in developing countries. Harvard nutritionist Jean Mayer claims reducing U.S. meat production 10% would free grain to feed 60 million people.

Producing meat also uses up vast amounts of water resources.  According to the Stockholm International Water Institute, the Food and Agriculture Organisation and the International Water Management Institute, it takes up to 4,000 L of water to produce 1 kg of wheat but up to 20,000 L of water to produce 1 kg of beef. A totally vegetarian diet requires 300 gallons of water per day, while a meat-eating diet requires more than 4,000 gallons of water per day.

In addition, while transportation is often seen as a major cause of global warming, the meat industry is actually a bigger culprit. The world’s livestock population creates 18% of the earth’s greenhouse gas emissions while the global transport system is responsible for 13%. Much of the greenhouse gases produced by lifestock is methane, which has 23 times the global warming impact of carbon dioxide. Farm animals unfortunately burp and fart quite a bit, and consequently release a lot of methane. They also tend to poop a lot, and their manure generates nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas that has 296 times the warming effect of carbon dioxide.

Finally, more and more forests are being cut down to make pastures for livestock. Since 1950, over half of the world’s rainforests have been destroyed, killing millions of native animal species in the process. Deforestation not only  contributes to global warming, but it also decreases biodiversity.

So knowing this, where do we go from here? What is a simple green living change for all? As mentioned before, just trying a vegan or vegetarian dish occasionally can help. And eating vegan doesn’t mean you have to give up delicious food!

Below I have included a vegan recipe I recently tried out. The “carrots” in the second photograph is made from marzipan and food coloring.

Vegan Banana Muffins


½ cup vegetable oil or vegan butter

2/3 cup granulated white sugar

¾ cup mashed banana

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1 ½ cups all purpose flour

1 ½ teaspoons baking powder

¼ teaspoon salt

¼ cup soymilk


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and line 12 muffin cups with paper liners.

Cream oil/butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the mashed banana, ¼ cup at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in the vanilla extract.

In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt.

With the mixer on low speed, alternately add the flour mixture and milk, in three additions, beginning and ending with the flour. Scrape down the sides of the bowl.

 Evenly fill the muffin cups with the batter and bake for about 18-20 minutes or until nicely browned and a toothpick inserted into a muffin comes out clean. Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool.

For more yummy vegan recipes, visit this awesome blog:

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